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Calls for Hierarchy to Mend Fences with Rank and File

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By Momoh K. Kanu

As the clock ticks to 2023 elections with apparent signs that APC will win the elections and take back power for the development of Sierra Leone, calls continue to inundate We Yone Press office, calling on the hierarchy to urgently consider embarking on ‘fence mending and bridge building’ efforts to inject impetus to APC’s preparedness. One of the callers, Joseph Sesay, who says he lives in Moyamba district, noted, “APC as a party should be wary of over confidence and complacency.”

“That was the situation in 2018 when certain big guns of APC disregarded the aggregated views, opinions and concerns of large number of members, supporters and well-wishers,” Joseph Sesay explained, adding the level of disregard was responsible for the award of the party symbols to number of unpopular and unwanted candidates who lost elections across the board especially in few constituencies in Western Rural Area. Another male caller by name of Alfred John of Western Rural Area solicited the attention of the hierarchy of APC to mend fences with stalwarts in the rank and file of APC.

“Humility is ambition’s ladder,” Alfred John quoted the outstanding British Playwright, William Shakespeare, thus advising politicians in the hierarchy who assume to be all-powerful and popular to display commonsense and ensure reconciliation takes place by bringing all onboard APC.

“This is the time for the hierarchy to reach out to key APC stalwarts in every districts and ensure they take lead to educate the grassroots that every body counts in APC,” Alfred John stated. A female caller by the name of Kumba Sam who was speaking from Kono, equally called on the hierarchy to mend fences.

“Kono is a swing district and it will be the decider for the person who will win the 2023 presidential election,” she explains, adding by the look of things, APC needs to address the political dynamics in Kono.

“Commonsense dictates for APC to ensure leading male and female politicians are reconciled and brought into the fold of APC to prevent SLPP taking over the district in 2023,” Kumba Sam intimated We Yone, adding the result of the last bye-election shows that a particular male political giant should be brought back into the fold of APC, adding the hierarchy should not allowed themselves to be deceived any longer.

“Kono is a patriachial society and the residents are more receptive and supportive of male politicians,” she stated, adding if APC fails to urgently address Kono dynamics, the future will be ‘bleak’ for the party.

Several callers from many districts also advised the hierarchy to be much more strategic and committed in their thinking and approach for APC to strongly unite to give SLPP and Bio a ‘bloody nose’ in 2023.

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