Home » True Confession: Bank Governor Admits $68 Million Dollars Bribe!

True Confession: Bank Governor Admits $68 Million Dollars Bribe!

by Weyone
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By Vidal Bultman

The fake promises of the Bio government that they have the capacity to transform Sierra Leone’s economy in record time for so-called paradise in Sierra Leone continue to crumble like pack of cards as latest reports state, the Governor of Bank of Sierra Leone, Prof. Kelfala Kallon has confessed of bribing business sector close to 70 million dollars to entice them to bring their monies to the banks.

 Governor Kallon who brags of being a ‘highly USA-qualified and trained Economist,’ made this revelation when facing the Public Accounts Committee in parliament during a recent engagement.

According to the Governor, since SLPP assured governance, they have faced difficulty to ensure monies are kept in banks, therefore, they are out to redenominate the currency.

Meanwhile, an economic commentator has pointed out to

We Yone, the Bank governor made a major political blunder by openly pointing out they bribed.

“How dare for a so-called reputable Bank governor to have confessed of bribing people in this age of transparency and decency,” the seasoned Economic Commentator asked, while informing We Yone, the problem with the Bio regime is as a result of unfavourable financial and economic policies and actions they have been unleashing since 2018 to date.

“These unfavourable policies panicked the business community and they lost confidence in the economic system, thus by passing the financial system,” the Economic Commentator expressed, while arguing even if the Bio regime is to redenominate the currency, as long as their policies are not business-friendly especially with a killing tax regime, people will continue to hoard monies in their homes.

“It is now apparent Bio came with a sole perception that APC officials in the erstwhile government have ‘Banks of money’, so they should be pursued and their assets illegally seized,” the Economic Commentator explained, adding the Bio regime from day one behaved and continues to behave like a dictatorial regime that is out to impoverish political opponents, failing to realize that these policies and actions have boomerang on their faces.

The Economic commentator concluded by blasting the Bank governor, while calling on him to resign because as he noted, “a key figure in the financial and economic circle of government has exposed his inadequacy and unprincipled attitude.”

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