Home » Labour and Not Expect

Labour and Not Expect

by Gunther
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We Yone reflects every 1st May is International Labour Day.

It’s a moment when workers globally are celebrated; the world celebrates individual choice to deliver on various sectors in order to make life for themselves and their loved ones.

One thing is clear! Being a worker under the Bio regime is like being a carpenter without a workshop.

We Yone is worried since 2018, Sierra Leone has experienced a sharp reverse. We don’t know it was for the wrong direction. All they told us about was a new direction.

We Yone recalls the statement made by former finance minister and chief minister of the Bio-led SLPP government.

Jacob Jusu Saffa, as an economist, was very pessimistic about the economic future of Sierra Leone. He believed it will be hard for a government to overturn the deplorable economic situation.

We Yone is not pessimistic about the progress of Sierra Leone. We have been there. In 2014 before the Ebola struck, Sierra Leone was among the fastest growing economies in the world. The deliberate effort made by the regime then bears good fruit.

Today, the reason why the working force of Sierra Leone is labouring without expectations is because the country is on its knees.

Telling you how hopeless the regime is, while the country is facing these difficulties, the president is flying up and down with no returns; We Yone is dismayed the lack of wisdom that the president continues to expand the wage bill.

We still need our partners to step in for basic social amenities like energy.

We Yone salutes every well-meaning and hardworking worker in Sierra Leone. We believe we will have a divine intervention which will make us come back to compete as a country amongst civilized nations.

The current regime has delivered nothing order than high cost of living, hunger, poverty, blackout and high rate of unemployment.

We are very sad that we continue to labour but not expect while public servants are now going months without salaries including the day for the commemoration of labour day.

Citizens are in penury while government is in luxury.

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