Home » Do not Use the State of Emergency to Harass APC Members-APC Scribe warns

Do not Use the State of Emergency to Harass APC Members-APC Scribe warns

by Gunther
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By Abdul Bero Kamara (Chief) Consultant Editor

The National Secretary General of the main opposition the All Peoples Congress Party (APC), Comrade Lansana Dumbuya Esq, has cautioned the SLPP government of President Bio regarding the misuse of the state of emergency to target APC members.

He emphasized that the party will not allow any attempts to use the state of emergency as a pretext for arresting its members.

Speaking at the  Press Conference held yesterday Wednesday 24/04/24 at the party Headquarters for an update from the APC members of the tripartite Committee

Comrade Dumbuya highlighted the APC’s stance on supporting the fight against the drug Kush, which has been causing harm to the youth of Sierra Leone. He called for unity among all Sierra Leoneans to eradicate the Kush pandemic and emphasized the importance of collective efforts in combating the issue.

Addressing the economic challenges faced by the country, Comrade Dumbuya drew attention to the poor state of the economy, high inflation rates, escalating transportation costs, and increased tariffs.

He compared the current situation to the time when the APC government was in power, noting the significant rise in the price of essential commodities like rice and the decline in the quality of services such as electricity supply.

Comrade Dumbuya commended the National Publicity Secretary, Comrade Sidi Yayah Tunis, for effectively articulating the party’s concerns on national platforms.

 He called for recognition of Comrade Tunis’s efforts and urged the audience to applaud his dedication to the cause.

During his address, Comrade Dumbuya informed the audience about the progress made by the party leadership since the previous conference.

He stressed the importance of allowing the tripartite committee to carry out its responsibilities without interference, urging members to refrain from discussing potential reruns and to trust in the committee’s ability to deliver positive outcomes.

In conclusion, Comrade Dumbuya emphasized the need for realism among party members and called for a constructive approach towards the work of the committee.

He expressed confidence that the committee members would excel in their tasks and deliver results that would benefit the APC.

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